Category: New York

What Are the Best Italian Restaurants in New York City?

College dining hall food is notoriously bad and despite the convenience of being able to just swipe a meal card rather than fish for change in the couch, sometimes you just need something different. And you would be doing yourself an injustice if you went to college in New York City and didn’t scope out […]

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Why I Don’t Blame Indiana’s Governor For Eating At Chili’s

You may have seen social media erupt over the weekend when Donald Trump’s VP nomination, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, tweeted a pic of he and his family eating at Chili’s… in New York City. New Yorkers naturally lost their minds over the fact that he’d have dinner at a chain when dining in a place with some of the most unique restaurants in the world.

But I don’t blame Pence. This situation could happen to anyone. It has happened to me.

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